Take the Challenge
Inspired by our “Arise” message, this challenge is a starting point for us to start each day off with Activating, Resisting the enemy, Inviting God’s presence, Sacrificing something and Engaging with our time, talents and treasures.
Listen to the “Arise” message from Pastor Danny Listen Here
Go through the steps below
Download a visual reminder for your phone or computer.
A - Activate your day with God through praise, Worship, Honor and Waiting.
1. Make it a part of your daily routine.
2. Write out Prayers/Journal
3. Create a visual reminder *(see wallpapers below)
R - Resist and Renounce
Why do I need to resist?
1. There are principalities and powers plotting against you.
2. We have an “accuser”, Satan, that wants to kill, steal and destroy you.
What can you do? James 4:7 says, to “Submit God, resist the devil and he will flee from you”.
I – Invite His presence, leading & fullness.
As with any relationship, communication is essential. Talk to God and invite His presence verbally by taking time to ask Him to “Fill me up today”.
S – Sacrifice
Sacrifice is give something up for someone else. Many times we build our life around comforts but God calls us out of those comfort zones in order for us to grow and make a difference. What can you sacrifice today?
E – Engage
We are all created with talents, skills and abilities with a purpose. How will you use your time, talents and treasures for God’s kingdom?
Visual Reminders
Use these free wallpapers as visual reminders.
Visit this page on your mobile device press and hold on the image below and save it to your device. Use this as the background on your mobile device as a reminder to ARISE everyday.
Phone Wallpapers
Desktop Wallpapers
Use these free wallpapers as visual reminders. Just right click each image and download/save to your computer.